…world through my lens


Never Give up!

Ants are an inspiration to all who do not try after one failure. Ants climb up after falling down a gazillion times, and never give up… Likewise, one failure makes one more stronger to fight and achieve the set goal and not accept defeat.

~Success is like a ladder
and no one has ever climbed a ladder
with their hands in their pockets~

—Zig Ziglar

Love is but a flower, which wrinkles will devour

BPW workshop…

The hanging tree~~~ rather hangings of the tree ;P

The star plant~

I am purple and pretty~~

Yellow love~

The color duplicates~

Tiny Happy Life~

Not one among the crowd~

Pretty peach~

Pick me up, hold me tight~

Wake up to the sunshine~

Let me grow~

My life still waits for you~

You are my direction~

Life haunts without you~

Love is in nature

The defeated warrior~

The road to success is not straight~

Life moving towards dullness~

Search me in the crowd~

Path breaking~

Dying without you~

Pure Love~

Lonely without you~

Gardens of Heaven

The pics were taken during the workshop conducted by BPW.Ā  In bangalore at Hebbal Lake (India)

The Speaking Tree~

Grass is greener on my side~

The antique~

The resemblance~

Walk till heaven~

The Reflection~

Sky High~

Through Life~

Breaking Dawn~

Reversed nature

This was taken during the BPW workshop. Got to know my camera a lot more…

Here are a few shots and more to come!

In the bright day light — it isn’t a night shot =)

The fisher man and pelican


Captured the sun sparkling on water =)

The beautiful sight =)

The colors… sigh!

lol : The pictures are inspiring me to become a poet!

Silent peace

Love this pic…

Go Green

I feel Green today ———– save fuel, save earth, reduce carbon foot prints!

Reduce Pollution~

Money can’t buy love

Inspired by Master Card advertisement – “Somethings money can’t buy, for everything else there is master card

For me its love of my loved one’s~~

Soul Searching

~You won’t know your capacity until you give yourself a chance~

~I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly~

I am more of an indoor photographer. I love taking concept based pictures. These unusual pictures and creative photography is my forte. I’m always up to indulge myself in creative canvas =)

Sweep me off my feet

Lovely weather outside, feel like Dancing!

Leg warmers were in fashion for long. In winters wear it over your jeans (a lil above your ankle to the bottom—like in the picture), looks GREAT and serve the purpose too!

It’s Canvas Love

I love my All Star…

P.S. I want to own all the possible colors available.

Take me Home

~~~The adorables~~~

Came across these three little colored chicks at the market… wish I could get them home =)

The red one has a heart on it

P.S. now I visit that market just to see these lil oneā™„